Tuesday, 14 September 2010

Finished My Alloys and Bonnet

First things its been along time since my last post and quit allot has happened.
The 4th of September i went to watch my friend in his stripped out 1.1i Citroen AX drag race at Santer Pod (here's the link to video's) http://www.youtube.com/view_play_list?p=D5D65E898F41021E


Now lets look at what i have been up too. First things i finished off my Bonnet. I was planning to go to my friends dad to get the bad boy parts welded but in the end i used glass fiber reinforced filler to join the parts.
To make the bad boy cut outs i used an old Fiesta wing.

 I recommend sand the fill down so that when you shut your bonnet it does not smash your head light.
I took me a hole day to make sore that it was dry before sanding, once it was finished we tested the bonnet on my friends car.

As my friends dad calls it, its the best shit bonnet ever lol.


With my alloys all what i needed to do was to finish off the only one that was not painted.
If you have noticed the top tyre has paint all over it, this does not matter because i will be replacing all the tyres.